Nursery & Wiggling Worship: When you arrive, please head to the lower level to drop your baby off to the nursery (0-2), and your toddler to the Wiggling Worship room (3-4). While you're in the sanctuary, your child will be lovingly cared for, and taught about God's love by our wonderful teachers.

*Note: At the back of the sanctuary, there is a "Family Room" available (airing the live service) when privacy is needed. 

252 Kids Church: Children (K-5th) and (K-2nd in the Summer) will start off in worship with their parents. Children are then dismissed to 252 Kid's Church downstairs. Please feel free to accompany your children to their classroom and communicate any needs with their teacher. After the service, parents will also need to return to the classroom to pick up their children.

Teen Sunday School (Catechism): Students (6th-12th) gather in the church basement, after the service, from 10:50-11:15am (in the classroom under the stairs, nearest the organ) for approximately 25 minutes of instruction and discussion. "Catechism" is an old word for the new challenge of teaching kids about faith, foundation, and Christ. [Parents, you can download some of the teaching notes at]

Growth happens in the family

One big theme across our kids programs is the importance of learning at home. Kids grow the most (spiritually) when they have conversations at home. So, we work really hard at putting good resources and conversation starters in the hands of parents and guardians. Each week, our Sunday kids programs send home discussion questions, character development, and Bible verses, so parents can have what they need to help their kids grow at home.

We’ve also noticed that inter-generational relationships are really effective ways of learning and growing in balance. So, we encourage people of all ages to gather together and play a role in these relationships.

One of the scariest verses in the Bible (if you think about it) is Judges 2:10 “And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel.” That’s not gonna happen here! “Passing the Gospel to the next generation” is a deep core value of any healthy church. We prefer Psalm 78:5-6 “He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children, that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments.” 

Youth Group

Youth Group

Students (7th-12th) are welcome to the Goshen Youth Group, a ministry centered on fun, friends, and fellowship. It’s a place where teens can enjoy time with their peers, while growing in their relationship with God. Join us, (the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month), from 7:30pm to 9:15pm in the Youth Center. 

  • Indoor/outdoor games
  • Devotions, lessons, learning
  • Fun and fellowship

Join us on Instagram, or download the MinHub app to catch the latest information. 

The Youth Center is located on the left side of the church. Hope to see you there!

[email protected]

GEMS- Girls Club

GEMS- Girls Club

G.E.M.S. (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior)

GEMS Girl's Club is geared for girls from 1st-8th grade. Meetings take place on the second, and fourth Tuesday of every month (during the school year). We start in the church sanctuary at 7:00 p.m. as a group for singing and devotions. We then break into smaller groups, by grade, to learn about God, having fun and doing lots of different craft projects. Please join us. We look forward to meeting you. 

This year’s theme: Transformed

This year we introduced the Bible curriculum we wrote called, TRANSFORMED, because girls today are experiencing an overwhelming amount of pressure to conform to the whims of the culture.

According to a study conducted by ROX ( 79% of girls reported that they are under so much pressure that they feel like they are going to “explode.” In their efforts to fit in, girls are conforming to the patterns of this world, not the Word of God.

Just like a caterpillar doesn’t transform into a butterfly overnight, our girls don’t instantly experience God’s transformation, but our curriculum will help girls:

🦋 Learn who Jesus is and how to follow him

🦋 Understand the gospel

🦋 Develop a love for God’s Word

🦋 Be equipped to memorize, study and apply scripture

And so much more!

At GEMS Girls' Clubs we pray this scripture for our girls, but honestly it's a scripture that all of us can benefit from praying.

CADETS - Boys Club

CADETS - Boys Club

Helping boys grow more Christlike in all areas of life.

The Goshen Cadets is a group for boys (2nd Grade and up) that meets the second and fourth Tuesday of every month from 7:00pm to 8:30pm in the Youth Building. Our main goal is to encourage the boys to establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We have devotions at every meeting, go on camping trips, take special outings, and we work toward merit badges throughout the year.

Practical Application of these Beliefs God is Revealed in His Word

The cadet ministry encourages studying the Bible as the guide to life.

God is Revealed in Nature

The cadet ministry encourages experiencing the presence of the Lord in His glorious creation. Learning the skills of an outdoorsman builds a boy’s character, and developing a boy’s understanding of his place in God’s world helps him to be a faithful steward.

Men as God’s Servants

The Calvinist Cadet Corps is the ministry of men of God who are dedicated to bring boys into a living relationship with their Lord and Savior. These men, understanding their imperfection, hold on to the promise that the Lord will bless their prayers, their example, and their instruction if they rely on God’s strength.