Hillary Van Der Molen- 2016 

“Then [Jesus] said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:27–29 (NIV)

Do you ever find yourself doubting God? Do you doubt because you lack faith? Do your doubts have purpose?

Thomas is the famous doubter. He even earned the nickname - “doubting Thomas.” But his doubts had a purpose. His doubts accomplished something. He wanted to know the truth. He did not idolize his doubts. He expressed his doubts fully, and God answered them completely. Doubting was only his way of responding, not his way of life. Thomas doubted Christ’s resurrection. Not even ten of his friends could change his mind! He needed more than someone’s word, he needed proof for himself. It’s possible for us to doubt without having to live a doubting way of life. God can use doubt in your life. Doubt encourages rethinking, rethinking sharpens the mind.

Doubt can be used to pose the question, get an answer, and push for a decision. “Doubt is one foot lifted, poised to step forward or back. There is no motion until the foot comes down.” Doubt was never meant to be permanent. When you experience doubt, take encouragement from Thomas. Jesus brought him to believe. He did not stay in his doubt. Thomas posed his doubt aloud. (20:25) Jesus answers, (vs. 26).

Take encouragement also from the fact that there are many followers of Christ who struggle with doubt. The answers God gave them might help you too! Don’t settle into doubts, but move on from them to belief and decision. Find another believer with whom you can share your doubt. “Silent doubts rarely find answers.” Do not be afraid to doubt. Doubting our Pastor, spiritual leader, parent, friend, or anyone allows us the freedom to search for God and gives Him the opportunity to show Himself powerful and real in a very personal way. Thomas decided to put his foot forward and he said “My Lord and My God.” Hallelujah! Move from your doubt and believe in the almighty God who is raised from the dead!!!